Pork belly is flavorful, decadent and perfect for a chilly night. And it doesn’t have to be smoked and cured into bacon to be amazing – fresh belly is incredible and very easy to cook. It also pairs wonderfully with winter vegetables or hearty brown rice....
Whether in a pasta sauce, as a pizza topping or stewed in sauce, sausage is a great ingredient. Try this super simple appetizer: combine sweet Italian sausage with a handful of jack cheese, dash of fennel seeds, a few springs of fresh parsley, salt and pepper, and...
Eating Nose-to-Tail is sustainable and delicious, but sometimes it’s hard to know what to do with something you’ve never cooked and maybe never seen before! We’re here to help. Our Offal, Not Awful series highlights delicious ways to enjoy more...
Eating Nose-to-Tail is sustainable and delicious, but sometimes it’s hard to know what to do with something you’ve never cooked and maybe never seen before! We’re here to help. Our Offal, Not Awful series highlights delicious ways to enjoy more...
Eating Nose-to-Tail is sustainable and delicious, but sometimes it’s hard to know what to do with something you’ve never cooked and maybe never seen before! We’re here to help. We’re starting our Offal, Not Awful series in which we highlight...
Many great summer meals can be done quickly and easily on the grill and the best ones use Walden Hill Pork! Grilling our sausage or ham steak with your favorite veggies makes cooking a whole meal a pinch. And our pork chops have so much...